Information Platform
Please note that you must be registered for the International Symposium on Light in Horticulture 2021 in order to get access to the digital platform.
Create a user account
Go to and create a user account with your contact details, including your e-mail address. Please note: It is important that you use the same email address as used when register for the ISHS light Symposium. When you have created your account, you will receive an e-mail to verify your account. Once you have accessed the platform, enter the conference code ishs2021 and click the button “Request to join”.
We kindly ask you to create a user account well in advance of the ISHS Light Symposium. If you have questions regarding the digital platform and access to the platform, please contact:
To the presenter:
If you are a speaker and have prepared your talk, please summit it through the same login as above. If you have any problems, please contact:
Already have an account
Go to and sign in.

Conference dates: May 31 - June 2, 2021
Abstract submission deadline: December 20
Abstract modification deadline: December 31